Faryal Makhdoom, the wife of former boxing champion Amir Khan, recently received a warning message from an Israeli organization, which offered financial rewards in exchange for her support for Israel instead of Palestine.
Makhdoom, known for her successful makeup business, has been openly expressing her solidarity with Palestinians on social media during the Israel-Gaza conflict.
She shared a screenshot of a WhatsApp message she received from an Israeli organization, which originated from a U.S. phone number. The message essentially proposed a lucrative reward in return for her support for Israel and a cessation of her pro-Palestine posts. It also warned of severe consequences if she didn't comply or if the situation was publicized.
Will this stop me? Nope. pic.twitter.com/4WtrbAXlN3
— Faryal Makhdoom (@FaryalxMakhdoom) November 2, 2023
Despite this threat, Makhdoom's commitment to supporting Palestinians appears unwavering, as she responded in a tweet stating, "Will this stop me? Nope."