In the aftermath of the earthquake in Morocco's mountainous region, 13-year-old Abdessamad El Berd rises early each day. He embarks on a challenging journey to reach his new school, navigating the dark terrain with a torchlight to avoid stray dogs. His father, Brahim El Berd, accompanies him during the 14-kilometer walk from their remote village of Tinghar to the makeshift school located in the town of Asni, which has been heavily affected by the disaster.
Brahim El Berd expressed concerns about his son's ability to maintain this demanding routine, emphasizing the need for school buses to be organized soon to ease the commute.
The Ministry of Education in Morocco has established a school using 32 traditional tents in Asni, catering to 2,800 middle and high school students. Official classes have not yet resumed since the 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck on September 8, claiming nearly 3,000 lives. Nevertheless, many children are already attending the tent school, where teachers not only provide education but also offer essential emotional support to students who have suffered losses, often losing family members.
One student, Khadija Ait Ali, 17, shared her feelings, acknowledging the relief of being back at school, even if it means studying in a tent, surrounded by friends. She revealed the emotional struggle of post-earthquake life, stating, "I don't like being alone anymore because all I think about is the earthquake.