KARACHI: In a bold and audacious act, a gang of five dacoits conducted a daring robbery in Karachi's Gulistan-e-Jauhar Block-1 late on Tuesday night, resulting in a loss of valuables estimated at Rs5 million for the affected family, according to the police.
The culprits forcibly entered a residence, where they proceeded to loot a significant amount of items, including 25 tolas of gold ornaments, mobile phones, and various valuable possessions. Shockingly, the dacoits also held the family members hostage at gunpoint during the harrowing ordeal.
Following the robbery, the dacoits managed to make a swift escape from the scene, eluding capture. The initial estimates provided by the family suggest that their losses from the incident amount to approximately Rs5 million.
Law enforcement authorities promptly responded to the situation, initiating an investigation into the matter. They gathered evidence from the crime scene, with the aim of identifying and apprehending the culprits responsible.