The Punjab Home Department imposed a two-week prohibition on prisoner visitations and media coverage at Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi. The facility is home to prominent political figures, including Imran Khan, the founder of PTI and former Prime Minister.
Following the February 8 elections, the prison has been a focal point for meetings between the incarcerated former PTI leader and party members, as well as allies seeking his guidance on the party's political direction.
The department, in directives to the Punjab Inspector General, cited a 'threat alert' from law enforcement and intelligence agencies as the reason for the decision. The Internal Security Wing of the department reported that terrorists, backed by anti-state groups, aimed to target the prison to sow chaos in the country. Thus, it deemed it necessary to take precautionary measures to prevent such incidents.
According to sources, the department has instructed the Special Branch, Intelligence Bureau, and Prisons Department to conduct a security assessment of the prison on March 13. Additionally, they have ordered the installation of barbed wires along the boundary wall and the screening of the jail premises and surrounding areas by the bomb disposal squad.
Contractors and staff employed at the jail will also undergo security clearances by police and Rangers, as per the Home Department's directives, along with mock emergency drills.
The ban applies to all inmates of the jail, including Imran Khan, former Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, and PTI President Parvez Elahi.