In a shocking turn of events, five Islamabad police officers, including the Margalla station house officer (SHO), have been suspended following a raid on the residence of prominent PTI leader Barrister Gohar Ali Khan.
The raid, which sparked outrage and questions about police conduct, took place yesterday while Barrister Gohar was attending a Supreme Court hearing.
- Raid on PTI Leader's House: Islamabad police raided the residence of Barrister Gohar Ali Khan yesterday, leading to accusations of harassment and torture.
- Five Officers Suspended: Following a preliminary inquiry, five police officers, including the SHO, have been suspended pending further investigation.
- Supreme Court Intervention: Chief Justice of Pakistan summoned the Islamabad police chief and ordered a thorough investigation into the incident.
- Allegations of Torture: Barrister Gohar claims his son and nephew were "tortured" during the raid, adding that police confiscated a computer and documents.
- Public Outrage: The incident has sparked widespread public outrage and raised concerns about police overreach and political targeting.