On various social media platforms, distressing footage has emerged, vividly portraying the widespread destruction wrought upon infrastructure and the very fabric of Palestinian livelihoods following an Israeli raid in Jenin, situated within the occupied West Bank.
The relentless series of daily incursions by Israeli forces across the broader West Bank region has intensified notably since the onset of October 7, culminating in an alarming toll of human suffering. Shockingly, the aftermath of these actions has resulted in the loss of over 340 Palestinian lives, with nearly 4,000 individuals left injured, marking a distressing chapter in the ongoing conflict, which continues to deeply impact the affected communities.
Footage documenting the vandalism wreaked by the occupying Israeli army after a night-long raid into the city of Jenin in the occupied West Bank. pic.twitter.com/bUl8jblTJz
— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) January 10, 2024