NEPRA, on Thursday, increased the tariff by Rs 4.12 per unit through a notification for November 2023's fuel adjustment charges, affecting consumers' bills in January 2024. However, this hike won't be applicable to Lifeline and KE consumers.
At the caretaker government's request, NEPRA approved the tariff hike to maintain uniform electricity rates countrywide. The notification detailed a Rs 1.72 per unit surge for K-Electric (KE) consumers, covering the third-quarterly adjustment charges from the previous financial year.
Specifically, it indicated an increase of Rs 1.25 per unit for the January-March 2023 period and Rs 0.47 per unit for October-December 2022. NEPRA formally conveyed the tariff hike notification to the federal government, while Karachi electricity users will see additional charges in bills from January to March 2024.