In Karachi, an incident unfolded in Orangi Town number 5 where a staggering sum of around 20 million rupees, 70 to 80 tola of gold, and various other valuables were looted from a residence, as per reports by ARY News on Sunday.
According to the complainant, Amir Baig, the robbers, some in police attire and others in plain clothes, forcibly entered the house, holding the family members hostage.
"The intrusion occurred at 2:20 am, and the robbers, after restraining the family, proceeded to ransack the premises, departing around 4:00 am," mentioned an affected citizen.
The perpetrators made away with the significant amount of cash, gold, and other possessions, also taking two brothers along, dropping them off at Baloch Pull.
The victim described the robbers arriving in a police mobile, a Vigo, a Mehran car, and motorcycles, estimating the armed group to be over 15. "We run a wholesale sanitary business and had cash from shopkeepers kept at home," the victim added.
Police officials have reported making contact with the affected family and are actively investigating the crime.
"We're dispatching the crime scene unit," an official stated, assuring that the culprits would be apprehended shortly.
The family members have been requested to file a case regarding the robbery, as per police instructions.