According to a report by a private news channel, Sindh police have announced the arrest of a high-profile individual allegedly involved in serious criminal activities linked to the Lyari gang war in Karachi.
SSP City Amjad Hayat confirmed the arrest of Ashfaq Ahmed, a purported member of the Lyari gang war, who is accused of various crimes including terrorism, extortion, murder, attempted murder, and other illicit activities. Authorities also seized hand grenades and weapons from his possession during the arrest.
In a statement, SSP City claimed that the detained gang member was allegedly orchestrating an organized extortion network within Karachi. The accused confessed to several crimes during interrogation, including grenade attacks and shootings related to extortion demands. However, investigations into the matter are ongoing.
In a recorded statement, Ashfaq admitted to carrying out firearm attacks at Bolton Market in 2016, allegedly under the direction of Faisal Mulla. He also confessed to involvement in a grenade attack on a lace shop in Kharadar, resulting in casualties, as well as another grenade attack on an empty plot in the same area.
Ashfaq revealed that he received instructions from Faisal Mulla, who, in turn, received directives from Wasiullah Lakhu and Ayaz Zehri.