In Nazimabad, Sindh Rangers, in collaboration with local authorities, successfully dismantled five illicitly operated water hydrants. To address concerns related to illegal water hydrant operations, a coordinated operation involving K-Electric, Water Corporation, and Rangers was conducted.
The operation uncovered that these unlawful hydrants not only engaged in electricity theft, which reportedly amounted to over 350,000 units of electricity consumption, but they also unlawfully appropriated water resources. The crackdown primarily targeted the electricity theft facilitated through unauthorized connections tied to these water hydrants. Subsequently, Rangers personnel took action, resulting in the removal of all five illegal water hydrants.
In a related operation last week, Water Corporation, in conjunction with Sindh Rangers, conducted a campaign to seal five unlawfully operated water hydrants across Karachi. During the operation, operators of these illicit hydrants were apprehended, while the owners remained at large. Law enforcement authorities continued efforts to locate and apprehend the owners.