Bollywood star Rani Mukerji recently revealed her regret over missing out on a significant film in her career during an appearance at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. She expressed disappointment at not being part of Aamir Khan's debut production, 'Lagaan'.
Mukerji explained that due to scheduling conflicts and specific shooting requirements set by Aamir Khan, she couldn't join the film. Aamir wanted all actors to commit six months to the project without interruption. Despite her eagerness and attempts to negotiate with her other film's producers, she couldn't secure the time required for 'Lagaan'.
Ashutosh Gowariker's 'Lagaan,' released in June 2001, starred Aamir Khan, Gracy Singh, and Rachel Shelley in pivotal roles. The film achieved massive success, becoming the third-highest-grossing Bollywood film of the year, receiving critical acclaim, multiple Filmfare and National Film Awards, and an Oscar nomination.