Soha Ali Khan delighted fans on Wednesday by sharing glimpses of her sister Saba Pataudi's birthday celebration on Instagram. The series of photos featured Soha, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor, and other family members.
In the first image, Soha, Saif, Kareena, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Taimur, Jeh, and Inaaya are seen clapping while birthday girl Saba cuts two delicious cakes. Another photo captures Kareena embracing and posing with Soha’s daughter Inaaya.
Earlier in the day, Kareena Kapoor reminisced about memories with her sister-in-law, sharing throwback pictures on Saba's birthday. Captioning the images, she wrote, “Happy birthday Saba dearest. Love you. God bless you (red heart emojis).”
Saba, the second child of legendary cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi and veteran actress Sharmila Tagore, is the sister of actors Saif Ali Khan and Soha Ali Khan. Unlike other members of the Pataudi family, Saba has preferred to stay out of the limelight, focusing on her profession as a jewellery designer.
Despite her low profile, Saba is an active social media user, often treating Instagram followers to unseen pictures of the Pataudi family.