Sarwat Gilani and Fahad Mirza happily welcomed their third child, a baby girl, expanding their family to four members. The Joyland star took to her official Instagram to announce the arrival of their new baby, sharing the joyful news with her followers.
The celebrity initially revealed her third pregnancy through a star-studded picture from the Lux Style Awards 2023. The photo, featuring personalities like Sarmad Khoosat, Sana Jafri, Ali Junejo, Alina Khan, and Saim Sadiq, subtly hinted at her baby bump.
Sharing a post about their new addition, Sarwat expressed her happiness, mentioning, "I couldn't think of a better picture to announce our new arrival! Celebrating the greatest joy of the present and the future." The couple, who tied the knot in 2014, are already parents to Rohan Mirza and Araiz Muhammad Mirza, born in 2015 and 2017, respectively.