TikTok sensation Sandal Khattak has made a foray into politics with a desire to serve her community. The influencer has filed nomination papers to participate in the upcoming elections in Peshawar, aiming for a reserved seat dedicated to women in Khyber Pakthunkhwa.
When questioned about her decision to step into politics, Sandal mentioned that unresolved local issues motivated her to make this move. She emphasized her intent to work for the people and address various concerns.
Focusing on women's empowerment, she highlighted the challenges faced by women in the region, including issues like gas shortages. Sandal also pointed out deficiencies in the local infrastructure and expressed confidence in gaining public support. She pledged to concentrate on enhancing the area's conditions if elected.
Furthermore, Sandal stressed her commitment to empowering women to become decision-makers. She specifically highlighted challenges related to gas, electricity, and water, signaling her dedication to tackling these issues if she secures a seat through the election process.